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Updated: Aug 31, 2019

I have been very blessed this year with birthday books. Each book offers me something I need right now. I love it when one book leads to another, and when a person I love leads me to one book that leads to another. It's been great to flick through these new books, recognising why they've been chosen, and figuring out where to start.

Getting down to writing and researching has recently been a bit of a grind. So thank you kind and wise friend for Daily Rituals Women at Work.

birthday books, flowers and sneaky radiator

Under Deadly Determination, my heroine, Charlotte Bronte's writing ritual is set out.

Even after she was freed from having to earn a living, Charlotte did not - or could not - write every day.

So we have that in common - the writing bit that is.

In the Oysters and Champagne section, Lillian Hellman's aproach seems much more direct.

I fear my interrupters would not pause to read this message, but this book is meant to be interrupted regularly.

After seeing this video, I heavily dropped a hint about The Confessions of Frannie Langton by Sara Collins. My husband kindly picked up that hint, and also found a lovely cloth bound Wide Sargasso Sea for me too - feeding my Charlotte obsession.

I hadn't heard of Homesick, Why I Live in a Shed by Catrina Davis. This slice of life includes class, economics, mental health and nature and its Sources section leads to 16 more books. Thank you kind friend for this too.

Salt on Your Tongue - Women and the Sea by Charlotte Runcie was a gift from a lovely paddle boarder friend. I live by the sea, cling to the coast, and have started to sleep to the sounds of ocean waves lapping from my phone. This book seems written for me. I can see the Bass Rock along the coast, and Charlotte says

The Bass Rock is the capital city of gannets. I call it Planet Gannet in my head

Bloody Brilliant Women by Cathy Newman adds to the growing discovery, rediscovery and celebration of forgotten women "pioneers, revolutionaries and geniuses".The photographs alone are a treat. Thank you to the bloody brilliant woman who picked this out for me.

My son thinks all books should just be funny. "In summary, the world is currently one big "previously on Homeland" recap that plays on repeat. Nothing but a bunch of dumpster fires and Clare Danes ugly-cries." writes Pheobe Robinson. Thanks son. Everything's Trash But It's Okay is already making me laugh.

And just as lovely as the books that have been chosen are the book tokens given to spend in our new local bookshop. Ready to pick up those leads.

Some treats for late summer - I'll let you know how I get on.

Thank you kind people.


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